"The Heat," Paul Feig's hilarious buddy cop comedy with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, has been one of the surprise hits of this summer, earning $130 million in North America since its release on June 28. Before "The Heat" even debuted, studio Twentieth Century Fox commissioned screenwriter Katie Dippold to work on a sequel, owing to the advance buzz humming off the comedy in the lead-up to its premiere.
"I really like the idea we have for the sequel. I'm really excited about it," Dippold told HuffPost Entertainment in an interview. "I can't say what it is. I wish I could. I really wish I could, but I can't: I would be immediately fired and murdered. But I really think it could be so fun. So I'm hopeful that we get to do it."
Unfortunately, Dippold may not get the chance. Speaking with EW.com at Comic-Con, Bullock said she wasn't interested in doing a sequel to "The Heat" at this stage in her career.
"I know they say never say never, but right now, I can't imagine it," Bullock told EW.com. "I don't want to ruin what Melissa and I had. If a miracle happens where [a script] shows up that really and truly outdid the first and provided an experience that was better than the first one, then I would look at it. But I'm not there."
Bullock's comments echo those made by Kristin Wiig about why she never made another "Bridesmaids" following the first film's breakout box office success.
"When something does well at the box office, people assume that there's going to be a second one, so when you don't, it doesn't make sense to them," Wiig told The Daily Beast. "But I approach things in my career a different way, and creatively, it's just not something I'm interested in doing. That's kind of it, and should be it.”
Both "Bridesmaids" and "The Heat" were directed by the aforementioned Feig, who told HuffPost Entertainment that he would only make a sequel to "Bridesmaids" if Wiig herself was onboard. "We'll try to get other franchises going," he said.
Indeed, just maybe not "The Heat."
For more from Bullock, head to EW.com.
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